Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The bucket list:

graduate college- necessary for the rest of life.
find lady friend (wife) - obviously would like to have a wife.
find job as pastor- I feel that is where the Lord wants me.
have two beautiful children - I want a boy and girl.
buy golden retriever - I like dogs.
go skydiving - just because i want to.
visit Hawaii - My grandparents met in hawaii and i would love to visit.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

google policy

I understand that my view on googles policy is wrong but, in my opinion if it get me where i need to go i am okay with whatever policy they enforce.

Exceptional service

The secret of exceptional service is due to the invisible hand theory. The invisible hand theory states that people don't really care about you they only care about your money so the only reason you might get better service is because they want more money.

I can not think of one specific time I had great service but I know that People do follow the Invisible hand theory, if the waiter is nice you give a bigger tip if you didn't like the waiter you pay the minimum or even sometimes talk to the manager which could possibly get them fired.

Microsoft Expression Design 4

Thursday, February 9, 2012

easter banner